Thursday, October 15, 2009

French word of the day: rater

Depending on which dictionary you consult…

Def: to misfire, flub or otherwise bungle something

Def: to make a mess of, to fail, to go wrong

Either way, it pretty much sums me up lately.

I ruined my grey jeans over the weekend. And on Monday, I ruined my fancy, new grey leather Sigerson Morrison heels. Water splashed out from the sink and onto my right foot, staining the leather. This, after I treated them with leather protector and didn’t wear them all last week because of the rain. I mean, what’s wrong with me? They weren’t inexpensive shoes. Nor were the Robert Clergerie platforms I ruined after one wear. Then there are the eyeglasses and earrings I lost in Cannes. I’m feeling horribly clumsy and inept lately. Please, please, please, make the “rater” go away.


  1. Hi, I started reading your blog when I got to Paris for a period of studies and I like it pretty much. Well, actually it hasn't been my best day in Paris as well... And it seems to be the same for some other people I know. What I mean is that is not only you, hehehe. Bisous.

  2. Merci, Sagesse! I hope your week has gotten better... at least it's Friday!
