Thursday, April 21, 2011

Weather check: glory be

I’ve had a dark cloud of crummy weather following me for over a year. Sicily in April? Cold and rainy. Portugal in May? Windy; sweaters on the beach. Paris, summer and autumn 2010 and New York, winter 2011? Probably the worst weather patterns on record. So let’s just say I’m tres heureuse that the Paris forecast calls for sunshine and temperatures in the 70s.


  1. It is grey , cloudy and chilly here too.
    I hope you get off that plane and walk into bright warm sunshine.

  2. I love Paris this time of year, I hope you get PERFECT weather! :)

  3. I'm not sure when you get in, but at the moment, Paris is absolutely amazing! High 70s through the weekend, if I didn't just jinx it.

  4. May the weather gods be with you! Although I'd rather be in Paris in crappy weather than just about anywhere else in crappy weather...

  5. I am in Paris on 29th - long term forecast says 19C - but it changes daily!

    May the sun shine on you!


  6. Merci, mes amis. As predicted and hoped, it is sublime in Paris. Pretty much perfect!
