Monday, April 30, 2012

My Vegan Mondays

The great thing about Vegan Monday is I'm always ready to clean up my act after a weekend of indulging. The bad thing is, it's only Monday—a long time to go until the next 48 hours of freedom and gluttony.

Coffee with soy milk
A medley of cereals (love cereal) with almond milk

Couscous with roasted vegetables
A date bar


Lentil soup
Chocolate bark from Larchmont's Cocoa

Have a wonderful week, everyone!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

A week in Paris

A week in Paris is never enough.
To capture all the beauty.

To see what’s new (like the Autolibs!).
We walked and walked, but still didn’t see enough.
There were moments of brilliant sunshine and dazzling cloud work…
But mostly, il pleut, il pleut
There were delicious meals (bien sur).
And pastries.
(Even so, no praluline!)
There were friends!
But still, a week in Paris just wasn’t enough.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

A great Saturday in the city

After my stellar shopping and service experience at Warby Parker...
...but before lunch with Alison at Alimentari & Vineria and tea and cookies with Ally at ABC Kitchen...
...I spontaneously bought five books:

The Buddha in the Attic by Julie Otsuka
Say Her Name by Francisco Goldman
Everything Beautiful Began After by Simon Van Booy
The Illumination by Kevin Brockmeier
Light Years by James Salter

I’m in the middle of three books right now, and have no more shelf space, but I couldn’t resist. I had the first two on my must-read list, the second two just looked fantastic and the last one was on the sale table. Besides, I was in one of my favorite bookstores, McNally Robinson and they were carrying Paris, My Sweet.
Has anyone heard of or read any of these books?? I'm ready to run away to the beach to plow through them...

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Monday, April 23, 2012

My Vegan Mondays

This Vegan Monday is dedicated to the:
2 pain aux raisins
2 almond croissants
1 pain au chocolat
Warm waffle with sugar
Chocolat chaud
Chevre chaud
Homemade Thai dinner
Cojean sandwich
3 2-course meals, plus the 3-course and 4-course meals, and 4-hour Sunday lunch
Nutella crepe
Haribo gummies and Tagadas
Sugar Daze and Sweet Pea cupcakes and Lola’s brownies and turtle bars
Tacos at Candelaria
2 Popelinis
The daily wine, and the proscecco and the cocktails
And god knows how many chocolates...
...all consumed during one rainy week in Paris.

Coffee with soy milk
Green juice
Granola and almond milk

Bagel with peanut butter

Carrots and hummus
Chocolate (hand-imported from Paris, bien sur)

It will be a long road to recovery.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

The always triumphant Cornet Vegetarien

It just wouldn't be a visit to Paris without a visit to Alain.
The same savory crepe and fillings ("tout bio!")...
... the same charm and sass.
The same deliciousness and feeling of happiness.
Merci, Alain!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Une soirée extraordinaire

If you know anything about my time in Paris, you know about my girl Mel. She's exceptional. Extraordinary. One of a kind. I love her.

She and the wonderful Sophie Berdah of Le Citizen hotel, with support and unrivaled enthusiasm from Gaela Fernández, hosted a little soirée to celebrate the launch of Paris, My Sweet last night. It was... perfect.

It was filled with friends.

Great sweets.

Even magical moments. This couple had read A Paris Farewell last spring. Marked Le Citizen as a hotel for their next trip to Paris. Brought the article with them. Were reading it in their room, when they came downstairs to discover, voila, the hotel was hosting a book party by the very same girl who wrote the article. C'est fou.

I offered a clumsy but heartfelt reading.

It was just one of those nights. One of those only-in-Paris, happier-than-ever, so profoundly grateful and elated nights.

Thank you everyone who was there at Le Citizen and there in spirit!