Monday, March 19, 2012

Books and binging in Philadelphia

I was invited to go down to Philadelphia last week for the Public Library Association conference.

It was a fun and fast trip where I got to meet some lovely people, including not only librarians, but the girls from my publisher, Sourcebooks.

I was there to sign copies of Paris, My Sweet but since it went really quickly, I also had some free time to wander around Philly.
Naturally, I went straight for the Reading Terminal Market for some food.

Upon walking in, I was immediately greeted by warm, cinnamon-y baking smells of Beiler’s and the sight of plump Amish women, scooping chocolate chip cookie batter and topping lemon pies with fluffy meringues.

Everything looked so gooey and delicious, but I had to scope out the rest of the market before indulging.

And, wow, was there a lot to scope. Meats and seafood…

Pickles and jams…

Sweets galore….

The occasional fresh and healthy options also cropped up. But only occasionally.

Most people were there for something big, greasy and delicious.

They like their sandwiches in Philadelphia, that's for sure.

Me? I wasn't kidding around. I found the cookies, and I went in for the kill.


  1. How ridiculously long it has been since I have seen food like that !
    I loved seeing that long line waiting for your signature !

  2. OHHHHHHH Reading Terminal!! I'm so envious. And those sandwiches!! I just teared a little. Oh the things I'd do for one of them right now. Paris will never compare. So glad you enjoyed yourself!

  3. Could there have been a better book signing environment for you??? Sounds like a delicious time, all around.

  4. Yes, I spent MANY hours in the RTM a couple of years ago when I was in Philly for a conference. Love that place!
