Saturday, January 7, 2012

Simon Doonan, the new David Sedaris

"The macaron craze is the ne plus ultra of gay fooderie. I can't believe any red-blooded straight guy can even walk into a macaron shop. If you wanted to ruin a politician's career, just publish a picture of him shopping for macarons."
-Simon Doonan


  1. Oh my god I couldn't stop laughing when I read that article in the NYT - I MUST buy this book!

  2. Very funny !
    But I have to mention here, there are some extremely macho men in Buenos Aires and I have seen them buying macarons .. perhaps to bring home to their sexy wives ? Or are they so confident in their macho-ness that they go anywhere they wish ? :)
    besitos from 90 degree BA ~

  3. My husband is a red blooded straight guy who doesn't mind purchasing the macarons - it means that he gets to choose his favourite flavours!
