Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Portuguese & peanut butter

Paris, My Sweet, translated into Portuguese for Brazil. Topped with a perfect peanut butter cookie from City Bakery, New York.

What's your favorite eat & read pairing?


  1. Congrats! this is a big deal!
    As for pairing - I love a good cup of coffee with a piece of carrot cake - mmmm!

  2. Ahhh, Portugese .. I used to love it when we met people visiting BA from Brazil .. charming people and such a lovely language ..
    It has been eons since I had peanut butter cookies .. but I did just have a chocolate chip muffin from a place in Great Barrington :)
    besitos, C .... way up here in the Berkshires !

  3. Milk and cookies!

  4. I just finished your book and I LOVED it!! Looking forward to becoming a blog regular as well!
